Saturday, March 17, 2018


In these days of welcome slow news on the cancer front, I mostly wait to post until some theme emerges. Themes are emerging more slowly than springtime in Louisville right now (last year the turtles were out in the creeks by mid-February, this year we can barely scare up a daffodil in mid-March), so this post is just a place-holder in case anyone might worry that silence might be a bad sign. I have blood work coming up this afternoon, but no particular reason to worry that the news will be much different. I've even postponed a follow-up appointment at Mayo till April because everything has been so quiet (also because I didn't want to go to Minnesota in February. No turtles up there).

So a few pieces of news:

1) housekeeping--I'm embarrassed to say that I found some comments going back to 2016 that I hadn't seen. I've posted them (except one that seemed to be advertising some skin care product), and will try to be more vigilant in the future. I'm supposed to get emails notifying me of comments to review, but apparently not all of them get through.

2) family--my mother is recovering well from her Valentine's Day fall. She broke her pelvis and right wrist in an encounter with an excitable bulldog (accounts differ on whether it was French or English). It takes a short person to get knocked over by a short dog (no matter how hefty), but my family is good at short, and Mom is the all-time champion short person. Anyway, she's finally got the wrist in a cast so she can used a footed cane and/or walker to get around, and it looks like she could be released from the rehab center in a few days. She is determined and feisty and will certainly work at getting sprung, if not necessarily for good behavior. One considerable upside to this ordeal has been that she has had to stop smoking.

Hanging out by the side of the trail.
3) more family--Liz and I met Rosie and Lee in Florida to tour some potential wedding venues. We also got a chance to visit with Lee's mom, Fay, at her idyllic nature/music/artifact sanctuary in Micanopy. The turtles are out down there, at least, also the alligators and azaleas. Although we didn't shoot the turtle video (dead camera battery) we can vouch for the merry-go-round.

Happy couple #1
Happy couple #2. Sorry about that smile. Note how the proprietor
gets her advertising done. You can't get out of there without
a "selfie." 

So maybe turtles are the emerging theme.

4) The new blood work is in, and it's good. Nothing much has changed, and there are tiny improvements in a few spots.

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