Sunday, July 24, 2016


Day +13, and my hair hasn't grown back yet. But seriously, the blood cell lineages are all coming back now. Platelets are now giving the leukocytes a good run for their money, with the erythrocytes hanging well back, although the hemoglobin numbers are good enough that I shouldn't need any additional transfusions. Also I feel much better. I think it will only be a few more days before the blood numbers are up in the range where we can start talking about heading out. That's probably overly optimistic, but we shall see.

I've been reading up a bit on the tandem transplant idea, which has some puzzling features, and will post about that after we've grilled the senior docs at greater length.

Liz's sister Polly is in for a few days, which has me thinking about getting out West ASAP.

"Supermoon eclipse" rise, Sept 2015. 


  1. Glad things are going well. Glad you are thinking of the west. Lois, Elizabeth (of Elizabeth and Larry) took a nice hike in the Sangres today - Hello to Polly - when's our turn?

  2. Please comment on your low grade fever - Ideas why? Do you still have a fever?
    Glad all seems positive

    1. I don't know much about why, but the docs and nurses seem to think the low-grade fever is a common response to engraftment. There is a thing called engraftment syndrome which is a more serious manifestation.

    2. Thanks, glad the low-grade fever at this stage is not an issue.
