Saturday, July 23, 2016


Day +12, and the hair is definitely on the way out. Basically I hadn't lost any hair until yesterday, when it started coming out rapidly (not in clumps--more like a shedding dog but a lot faster). It's making a big mess, so there's nothing for it but to call in the clippers.

The beard is putting up more resistance, so we'll see. Anyway, I'm thinking that if I just got myself a black turtleneck I could go to Silicon Valley and raise a billion dollars for . . . something.

As for the other, actually important, stuff: it's all good. Platelets have just started coming back, white cells continue to rise, hemoglobin is hanging in there, and I feel better each day.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that the labs are improving and that you're feeling better! I wholeheartedly approve of the bald look!
