Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day +1, +2

Every day, we go into the clinic to get blood drawn and a basic checkup.

We've been warned, of course, about the coming flood. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, but right now they're sure isn't any action. Anywhere. My chief complaint is constipation. My blood counts are OK, white cells hanging in there for a bit longer, reds declining but not to the level of anemia, platelets in between.

Yesterday we went to a lovely park in the area, and walked. It did nothing for my gut, but it was a nice walk on a beautiful day, so that is nothing to sneeze at. Yes I know my selfie technique needs work.

I don't feel great, but mostly I'm just really grumpy right now.

Liz's sister Nell will be visiting for a few days starting tonight. It's great to have people come so that we don't go stir crazy in the little apartment. We're pretty boring company at present. 

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