Sunday, July 17, 2016


Apparently it is pronounced like Ralph's last name. I always imagined something slightly more exotic, nah-deer. But anyway, we are here. That's no surprise, really, after yesterday's numbers, but it adds maybe a little bit of technical drama, at least for us numbers guys. It will probably be several days before any signs of recovery start, and with luck I will continue to feel pretty good through it all--as I do.

We saw Nell off today with a stop at a Greek breakfast place, where I managed to consume a full spanakopita omelet with hash browns, toast, and a tall tomato juice--all while watching what seemed to be Rochester's version of Pride Fest unfolding in front of our sidewalk table. It was a very pleasant, breezy morning, although it's pretty steamy now and I guess for the rest of the week. Too bad, but this is a week to lie low anyway.

I asked the nurse today when I could expect my hair to fall out. She said "Day +10" with a perfectly straight face (she is one of the more serious nurses), although she waffled a bit under cross-examination. Seems strangely late, but it will be another source of intrigue to see how she did. Maybe I can get the nurses to do a pool. For the record, it's Day +6.


  1. Amazing that you still are enjoying your meals - Keep it up!

  2. When I was at the law school, I think the assistant dean pronounced it neigh-DEER, when he was describing our working relationship - sigh
