Sunday, July 31, 2016

Let's Play Two

On balance, given what's currently known, we've decided to go for the second transplant. It's certainly not guaranteed that I will tolerate the procedure as well the second time, nor is it guaranteed to "work," but there is at least a lot of evidence that tandem transplants have worked for many people in my situation, and when the second transplant is finished, all options for using some of the exciting new drugs on the market will still be open. A couple of interesting clinical trials that are currently underway will probably report results this Fall, which may lead to some new drug approvals as well.

So we're looking at returning to Rochester around the second week of September (~ day +60), and probably finishing up around October 1 (it should take a little less time, because the stem cells are already collected).

Might be a few quiet weeks on the blog, but I plan to report on transplant #2 as it happens, if anyone is still following by then.

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