Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Day +9. Not much going on yet. The erythrocytes (red) and leukocytes (white) are still scraping along the bottom. Today the platelet count dropped enough that they called me in this afternoon for a transfusion (that's the first one, which is pretty good for this far into the transplant). Back in the day, I used to be a regular platelet donor, so I kind of have a positive bank balance, for what it's worth. The platelets look kind of yellowish in the bag, and are delivered, slowly, with the usual saline drip. It takes about 2 hours altogether, and I managed a decent nap. For me, at least, I felt fine before and after the transfusion, and noticed no difference whatsoever. Of course, I am trying not to bruise or cut myself (succeeding so far, knock wood).

The weather here is brutally hot right now. Not much for it but to lie low until things improve.

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